Body-oriented coaching

Body-oriented coaching

Before you realize you’re navigating the rocky terrain of perimenopause, it can feel like you’re losing your mind. The resilient, carefree optimist you once knew within yourself seems to vanish and bit by bit, everything begins to change. Every system in your body, your sense of self, purpose, how you relate to your work, your relationships and your libido can feel like it’s on a downward spiral, a perspective reinforced by the external messages that often frame menopause as a 'condition' that requires fixing through HRT or other solutions, all aimed at returning you to 'normal'.

But what if you have a hunch that it’s not about going back to the way things were?

What if you sense an inner knowing that life as it was no longer fits, but you still feel overwhelmed and alone in this uncharted territory?

That’s where I come in.

I’m here to provide a gentle, compassionate and nurturing space for you to slow down, reconnect with yourself and with the deeper intelligence at work so that you can embrace this transition as an opportunity for the powerful transformation it can be. 

While by its nature this time can challenge us, I want you to feel supported, equipped and empowered, trusting in the gold that's waiting for you.  

Coaching Packages & Single Sessions
  • Embark on a transformative journey with 6 sessions of 75 min each. This package includes support through WhatsApp, guiding you every step of the way. Cost: 780,- €
  • Experience a powerful, focused session of 90 min, perfect for a deep dive into your current challenge or to gain fresh perspectives. Cost: 165,- €
You can choose between both options and book your call here:

What will you receive?

A space to listen within

There's so many confusing messages and conflicting advice being thrown around the topic of menopause. Receive space to listen to exactly what your body and spirit are calling for, so you can welcome the challenges as invitations for upgrades in self-connection and care.

Feeling held & supported

I'm here to offer you a non-judgemental space to unpack tangled thoughts and feel tricky feelings. A space to meet yourself deeply and develop self-care strategies and know that I'm your ally, seeing you and lovingly cheering you on.

Trust in the journey

Your body is designed to be cyclical. By understanding the archetypal cyclical map of the menstrual cycle and the larger arc of menopause and by looking at how you relate to the different inner seasons, you can allow your menopause process to 'work' you and embrace the intelligence in the process.

Tools & Practices

Together we can explore tools, practices and strategies for regulating your nervous system, identifying needs and boundaries and communicating them effectively, processing strong emotions and navigating your inner critic.

I’m a bit of a rebel when it comes to coaching. Sure, I have some tools in my tool box but I am always in awe of what happens when we simply come into a sense of spacious relaxation and trust and become present to what wants to emerge from here.

While I'm here to guide and support you, my approach is that the work we do is a collaboration between us, where you are encouraged to take responsibility for where it feels valuable to go.

As a body-oriented coach I want to support you to become the expert of your own body, to learn to lovingly listen to it and feel awe as you receive the wisdom that comes through. As a menstruality mentor, I see the menstrual cycle and menopause as gateways into the archetypal Feminine and the journey of developing an intimate relationship with these as activism in a world in which the wisdom of the body - especially female body and its cyclicality - is so repressed.

I also work with a modality called Menstrual Medicine Circle, which is a gentle yet powerful process involving a guided journey into the energetics of your menstrual cycle and letting it speak to you.

My work with intimacy and human connection centres the importance of our relationship being founded on honesty and transparency. I believe in the simplicity of shared vulnerability between humans in a safe space as a powerful healing force.

"The hero’s journey is a quest for triumph in the outer world. The heroine’s journey, in contrast, is a quest for integration, for balance, and for wholeness through a descent into the inner world.”

Riane Eisler

The Chalice and the Blade

Testimonials from my clients

Guinevere, 44

"Ruby’s coaching gave me a space to talk to the deepest parts of me that I sometimes do not always give space for, helping me to listen to my inner voice.  I am grateful for the way she would never let me get away with fooling myself but really going beyond all my layers until I got to what felt like the truth of the matter. There were many, many moments of ‘aha’, and they continue to ripple out months and months later…."

Jools, 49

"A seriously sumptuous, sometimes subtle and other times dramatic, time of transformation. I feel like I’ve come home."

Inbar, 42

"Working with Ruby for 3 months has seen me transition in a way I was not expecting. It brought to light to a lot of what was happening already but in a safe, curious, loving way that allows for change to just appear. The cycle awareness has been a game-changer for me as I look at the my relationship in particular to slowing down and the descent"

Let's get to know each other
Book a free 20 min call with me
to learn more about how I can help you.

A little bit more about me & my journey...

I’m Ruby, 46 years of age and a British, Berlin-based coach, facilitator and community weaver, passionate about midwifing a culture grounded in the wisdom of the body and the Feminine way.

After following my curiosity around the complexities of being human and completing my degree in Psychology in the UK, I became fascinated in the societal taboo of sexuality and found the emerging revival of contemporary Burlesque in London a welcome exploration of bringing dignity, humour, creativity and most importantly female empowerment into sexuality. This became a focus of my research, creative exploration and the foundation for developing my entrepreneurial skills, as I spent several years designing, crafting, and professionally selling burlesque costumes. Seeking to deepen my understanding of working therapeutically with sexuality, I moved to Berlin in 2010 where I trained as a sexological bodyworker, starting a new chapter with many exciting doorways opening around teaching and holding transformative spaces centered around the topics of intimacy, shadow work and developing our relational skills. 

Working as a dominatrix for some years catalysed an enquiry around our relationship to power and leadership and the question of whether there is such a thing as ‘Feminine leadership’. Following the breadcrumb trail, I decided to study my own female body as a gateway under the guidance of Red School, where I trained in ‘menstruality leadership,’ which explores the arc of a woman's life from menarche through the years of the menstrual cycle and into menopause, from a psycho-spiritual perspective. A large element of this is the journey of being initiated by the two currents of descending and ascending energies that make up life (which you might call Yin and Yang), how we relate to these and allow them to work us. Being cyclical requires that we dismantle the conditioning we might have ingrained around the descent and 'being' as less valuable than the ascent and 'doing'.

Since then I have taught menstrual cycle awareness as embodied activism both through my business Know Your Flow and at various festivals and organisations. As well as co-leading SABIA, I also work for Red School as their community lead, bringing together women from all over the world to connect, inspire and deepen our practice.

The invitation to join forces with Maya at SABIA came at the perfect time as I dive deeply into the waters of perimenopause and the second half of life. SABIA weaves together the personal and the collective in a way that ignites my heart and activist spirit. Through this work I'm following my calling to be part of a movement in redefining this time as one of profound transformation and a stepping into a new dimension and paradigm of personal and collective power.

I'm honoured and excited to explore what this means with you.